> Become a Candidate
The Kitsap Republican Party is here to support you!
2025 Kitsap County Offices Open for Filing
Click to see a list of all the 2025 Offices up for election. Filing week for these offices is May 5-9, 2025.
Vacant Kitsap County Advisory Groups (e.g., Boards, councils, commissions, committees)
Please contact Linda Popp if you are interested in becoming a candidate.
Political Candidate Quick Start
Register with the PDC (Public Disclosure Commission)
Within two weeks* of the date you become a candidate, you must file a
Personal Financial Affairs Statement (https://www.pdc.wa.gov/registration-reporting/forms-reports-directory)
Candidate Registration (https://www.pdc.wa.gov/campaign-online-filing)
Acquire a P.O. Box
Ensure that your campaign mailing address is separate from your personal mailing address.
Find People to Help with Campaign Management and Administration
Examples include:
Campaign Manager, Campaign Treasurer (or, you can be your own treasurer)
Acquire a EIN (Employer identification Number) for Your Campaign
Go to the IRS website @ https://sa.www4.irs.gov/modiein/individual/index.jsp
Open a Political Candidate Bank Account
Not all banks have an option to open a candidate bank account.
Candidates must open a separate campaign account in a bank, credit union or savings and loan institution if they accept monetary contributions.
A candidate who personally funds his/her entire campaign and accepts no contributions does not have to open a bank account. These candidates are required to make campaign books of account, which may include the personal checkbook register, available for public inspection by appointment the week before the election.
Acquire a Fundraising Account that Links to Your Bank Account
Anedot is commonly used for political campaigns: (https://www.anedot.com/)
File for Office May 6-10, 2024
Requires paying a filing fee based on seat.
File In-person, By Mail, or Online (https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/candidates/online-candidate-filing.aspx)
Prepare Local Voter’s Guide Candidate Statement
Acquire a professional photo of head and shoulders.
Video Library
Helpful Links
This Kitsap County page will provide you the information you need to become a candidate at the local or State level. Kitsap County needs people who will protect and maintain the individual rights of the people of Kitsap County.
Leadership Institute. The Leadership Institute trains conservatives.
Founded in 1979 by its president, Morton C. Blackwell, LI provides training in campaigns, fundraising, grassroots organizing, youth politics, and communications. The Institute teaches conservatives of all ages how to succeed in politics, government, and the media.
The Institute offers more than 50 types of training schools, workshops, and seminars; a free employment placement service; and a national field program that trains conservative students to organize campus groups.
We welcome endorsed candidates to submit their events to the Kitsap County Republican Party's calendar.
All calendar submittals are subject to review and approval.